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Triad: A Three Way Love Story Page 15

  “We need to do something. We need to put an end to this.”, Bryce hissed, “You need to kidnap those stupid mother fuckers and beat some sense into them.” “They’ve been tearing up the town for hunting her. I’m keeping an eye on them.” “Shit, seriously? This has gone on long enough, especially now. She needs them. How do you think they’re going to react to Mick/Grey Junior?” “We’re going to have to be careful how we approach this. But you’re right babe. Gotta put an end to this drama. Lemme think on it. We’ll make it happen,” he whispered and gave Bryce a quick peck to seal the deal.

  Chapter 33--Grey

  Bug pulled into the driveway in a beat up black cage pulling a covered trailer behind him. It had to be that damned Indian again. He rode hard and couldn’t keep it running. Mick stood next to me and we shook our heads after sharing a knowing look.

  “Hey guys. She’s dead again.” He flipped the trailer latch and dropped the ramp, backing the bike off. He tossed me the keys. Mick shook his head again. “Bug man, ya gotta quit beating on this poor old lady. She deserves some tender loving care and some respect. You’re killing her.”

  Bug grinned, “Speaking of old ladies, I ran into yours the other day. Well, not really ran into her. I saw her. I saw her downtown. I was thinking of asking her out, you know, like on a date. Maybe she wanted to go for a ride or something. She must be a wild one to take on both of you, and since you dumped her she’s open game again. Then I got a look at the load she was carrying”. He pushed the bike off of the trailer and pushed the ramps back on the bed, but both Mick and I were too stunned by his words to react.

  “Joss? You saw her? You saw Joss?, Mick practically growled at him “She’s not fucking open game, man”.

  “Where? Where did you see her?” I demanded.

  “Whoa guys. Chill. She was downtown. Came out of a building near my Probation Officer. Thompson Building I think. You guys still banging her? Didn’t know you were into pregnant chicks. I mean some guys are, I’m not, but some guys are.”

  Pregnant? What the fuck? “How pregnant?” I asked.

  “Shit, I don’t know, man. I’m not a gyno-cologo-kist. Maybe this much”, he held his hands over his belt buckle about a deep as a cereal bowl. “Just enough to look knocked up but still hot as fuck”. What a fucking moron.

  Mick put his arm around him and steered him towards his truck. “We’ll call you when we fix the bike man. Give us a few days”. Bug stammered, “wait, how much?”. He opened the door and pushed him into the driver’s seat. “We’ll call you”. He slammed the car door and gave a quick wave. Then he quickly pulled down the garage door, and locked it. Bug climbed in the truck and shot off a text to a burn phone that just said, “They took the bait.”

  “This is our chance, maybe our only chance to end this.”, Mick was pacing around like a caged cat.

  I knew he was right. I knew I was wrong. I did this. I accused her of trying to trap us into a relationship. It was my bullshit that drove her away. It was up to me to fix it.

  I finally came clean. “I’ve been looking for her, man. For weeks. All the places she ever mentioned. The bars, the restaurants, the yoga studios, the shoe stores, the book stores, the pedicurist. I’m trying to make it right.”

  “Dude, I’ve been looking for her too. That weekend I was gone I even road tripped back to her hometown. I left flowers and note on her mother’s grave asking her to please come home. Hell, I even had some of Sammy’s computer people look for her. She went ghost that day. Just disappeared. I’d about given up.” “Let’s go check out this Thompson Building.”

  Riding for me was time to clear my head, but this time, it didn’t work. My mind was racing. I couldn’t begin to wrap my head around the pregnant part. Was it the cheating asshole ex, David whateverhisnameis? Probably not, based on what she had told us about him. God knows Mick and I had pumped enough sperm into her belly to populate a third world nation. I thought she was on the pill? Could be either one of ours? Fifty-fifty shot, I suppose.

  I’ve revisited every moment we spent together for those few short months. More than once, hell more than a hundred times. I don’t remember ever feeling jealous that she was with Mick too. Not in the slightest. It was actually pretty hot to watch the two of them together.

  Pregnant? I imagined a little girl with her eyes and adorable giggle/snort. It didn’t matter if she was genetically mine or Mick’s, as long as her and her mama were “ours”. Holy shit, what if it was a boy? A little guy to raise up right. Teach him to be a good man. Teach him to ride and shoot and maybe one day wear the uniform. My God, I want this.

  We rode through the streets of the city, catching every single red light, making me even more edgy and nervous.

  Mick pointed to a nondescript office building and I nodded. I pointed to a parking garage kitty corner from the multi-story office building and he followed me in. We parked backed into the same parking spot on the second level, which gave us the perfect vantage point for our target. “I’m going to check it out. Stay here and keep eyes on.” I handed him a pair of mini binoculars I kept in my saddle bags. I crossed the street half way down the block and kept my pace casual.

  The lobby of the Thompson Building was far from fancy. It was clean, at least, and, best of all,it was unguarded. By the elevators I scanned the directory for something, anything that might be a clue to here whereabouts. There it was, in front of my face. Triad Financial Services, Suite 401. Fuck. She never abandoned us.

  The elevator dinged and I heard the giggle/snort I’d been missing all these weeks. She came off of the elevator laughing at something her companion had said. She was dressed for business in a plum colored wrap dress and a huge autumnal paisley scarf draped around her shoulders that covered her shape. She wore her hair half up and half down and it bounced when she walked in her nude patent leather pumps. The guy with her was dressed in a navy blue pinstripe suit, and crisp white shirt and a bright tangerine colored bow tie and pocket square. Just dandy. They walked together towards the door, and he held it open for her. Boyfriend? Baby daddy? Random douchebag? I hated him.

  Once outside he kissed her chastely on the cheek and they walked in opposite directions. I followed at a discreet distance, cutting back across the street towards the parking ramp when she sat down at a an outside table in front of a little cafe.

  I made my way back to Mick. “It’s her office building. Triad Financial Services. Not sure about the guy. I didn’t hear any conversation.”

  We watched from our perch as she pulled some papers from her bag and reviewed the pile in front of her, sticking little tags on them and highlighting other areas in neon yellow. The waitress brought her a water and she handed her back the menu.

  “What’s the plan? Ya think we should go down there”. Mick always wants to shoot first and ask questions later. I watched her through the binoculars, “What the everloving fuck is this?”

  Joss stood to greet her lunch date. The man wrapped his arms around her for a hug, patted her belly and kissed her cheek. When he sat down, and I finally saw his face, I was even more confused. Out girl was lunching with Ambush.

  “What the fuck man! What is she doing with my old man? He fucking hugged her like they were best friends?! I’m gonna fucking kill him!”

  I grabbed Mick’s arm to keep him from running off and saying things he’ll regret later. “Easy pal. There’s gotta be a reason. Going in there half cocked isn’t gonna help us any.” He pulled his arm out of my grip, but didn’t make a move to leave. I handed him the binocs. The waitress brought Ambush a latte and they seemed to be having a civil conversation. They seemed too familiar for the relationship they had a few months ago. Ambush smiled at her and she threw her head back and laughed.

  It dawned on me that he had to be the one that was helping her out all this time, and keeping her hidden from us.

  Mick watched through the binocs. “She’s showing him some paperwork. Dude, I think she’s his accountant.” He handed me the binoculars. Ambush had
slipped on a pair of horn rimmed glasses and together they were head to head, reviewing the papers she had in front of him. She pointed passages out to him and flipped the page. He signed a few and nodded in agreement. She pulled out a tablet and they looked at a few screens together, discussing something and pointing to the screen. Her salad and his sandwich arrived and they appeared to be having a nice business lunch from our vantage point.

  “Well I’ll be damned. It sure looks that way.” We watched them finish their lunch and chat for awhile. Ambush paid the bill and hugged her goodbye, patting her belly again for the road, and kissing her on both cheeks. He picked up the paisley scarf draped behind her chair and turned her around wrapping it carefully around her shoulders. We had the perfect view of her slightly but still obviously pregnant form. “When did your daddy turn into such a fucking gentleman?”

  “I don’t know, but I guess it’s time I had a chat with him.” “Do you want me to come with?”

  Mick took a deep breath and considered it. “Nope. I think I have to solo this time”.

  Chapter 34--Mick

  Chico’s bar was a front for Chaos, dear old dad’s MC. I backed into a parking spot right out front next to his gorgeous 1957 Harley Sportster.

  The two prospects in the parking lot stared at me, but made no move to stop me from pulling open the dirty heavy steel door. I lumbered up the bar and sat my ass down on a stool. The place went silent. “Crown. Neat.” I said to the bartender. He glared at me and made no move to fulfill my order. I glared back at him, holding his stare.

  “Mick. Are you lost?”. Skeet, VP for Chaos sat down next to me at the bar. Ruger the hair sniffer and Club Enforcer sat down on the other side of me. “Nope. Need to speak to your boss.” “He’s not here.”, he answered a little too quickly. “I’ll wait” Skeet’s eyes narrowed, a sure sign that this conversation was about to get a little less warm and friendly.

  “Leave.” The command came from behind me. I didn’t turn, knowing that daddy had made his appearance. Skeet frowned but walked away without a word. He sat down next me in the seat that Skeet had quickly vacated and nodded his head to the bar keep. Two glasses of Crown were quickly poured and sat front of us. With another nod from Ambush, the bartender disappeared. “What shall we drink to, Mick?” I picked up the shot and slammed it down my throat then slapped the glass down on the bar, “Fathers and sons?” He smiled a little, “step into my office”.

  I followed him past the pool table and the dartboard to the back and up the stairs in the back of the shithole bar. He unlocked the room with an electronic fob and we both entered. He locked the door behind me and stepped behind a big oak desk. Sitting down in a big leather chair, he finally asked, “To what do I owe this honor?” He gestured to an oak chair and I sat down. When I looked across the desk I really saw what Joss saw all those months ago. His eyes were my eyes. I even had his jet black hair and slight widow’s peak hairline.

  “I came for some truth.” He nodded his head and leaned back in the big leather desk chair rocking slightly. “You sure it’s not because you watched me have lunch with your girl”. Cagey bastard. I didn’t react. “That too.”

  He reached into his desk drawer and pulled out another bottle of Crown and two glasses. He poured us each a generous shot, pushing one across the desk towards me. “You ask. I’ll answer”. He downed the shot.

  I stared at the carmel liquid in front of me, swirling it around in the glass. “Why?”

  “Why did I have lunch with your girl, or why did Belle keep me a dirty little secret?”

  “Both. Let’s start with you and Belle. The beginning” He poured another drink. “Joss told me that you’re a good man and you deserve the truth. I also had to promise her I wouldn’t try to drag you into Chaos and this life.” I smiled. Sounded like Joss. I let Ambush collect his thoughts. “Belle and I had a thing. We were young. She was barely legal. I was young and up and coming in the club. Just made Enforcer when she found out she was pregnant. She caught me cheating on her.”

  “Jesus Christ, Belle knows the life. She knows that club girls mean nothing. Was it enough to keep you away from your own fucking kid? That’s bullshit!” I didn’t realize how angry I really was all these years until just that moment. He held his hand up. “Wasn’t a club girl kid. It was a prospect. I was fucking one of the prospects. What can I say. I like the D.” He let me digest this revelation.

  I downed my shot, slammed the glass into the desk and stared him in the eye. “Last time I checked gay men can still be dads.” He laughed “Not in Belle’s eyes. I had to promise her I would never tell you the truth and in exchange she wouldn’t out me to the club. I was around, Mick. I was there when you played little league. I was there when you graduated. I was there when you left for boot camp. I always have eyes on you.” He poured another shot, and collected his thoughts, “That day, when Joss came looking for payment on the club’s bike repairs I decided to call it a loophole in my agreement with Belle. I saw her from my security cameras in the bar and my boys were giving her a hard time. It was a sign. I had her tell you. I kept my promise to your crazy ass mother. Hopefully she keeps hers.”

  I nodded. “I remember meeting you. At little league. I told you “nice bike” and you shook my hand.” He smiled. “You played shortstop. Your team won that day, 8-2.” God damn it, he remembered. “You hit a standing triple. You played Puck in eighth grade Midsummer Night’s Dream. You played the trumpet for awhile but kinda sucked at it. You wore a white tux with a black tie to prom. You went with that bleach blonde girl, Jamie something or other. Want me to keep going?”

  Son of a bitch. “Nah. I get it. Now tell me about lunch with Joss.”

  “Why should I? You and your fuck buddy screwed the pooch on this one. You broke her heart.”

  “Seriously Dad, you just told me you like dick but you can’t tell me about lunch with my girl?” He shrugged. “You called me dad.” “Yeah, well you are. Now talk. Please.” “I waited a very long time for that. You’re ok with the dick thing?” “Why the fuck would I care who you fuck? Who’s the suit she was with?”

  He smiled, “That’s Bryce. She’s been staying in one of my rental properties. He’s her roommate and when he’s not in school and she has clients, her administrative assistant. He’s also my boyfriend.” “Shit dad, cradle rob much?” Ambush smirked and shrugged his shoulders unapologetically.

  “I don’t know if you guys deserve her.” He leaned back in his chair and his eyes narrowed. “She’s too smart for you two idiots. I’m looking out for her and for my grand baby. She’s under Chaos protection. My protection”, he growled.

  She’s been hiding in plain sight all these weeks. She’s been growing a little person inside of her and it’s our fault she’s been doing it alone.

  “She’s handling my personal finances and the club finances now. Fucking genius. Has saved me a fortune in taxes. Created a 401K for me. I’m opening a chain of coin op laundromats she set up for us. I look 100% legit now.”

  “How do I make it right, Dad?”

  “I don’t know if you can. When that fuckwad Grey told she was trying to trap you guys in a relationship that he didn’t want she was devastated. She put a ton of work and all her money into that shop idea. She’s still trying to sell the building she bought, because now she’s fucking broke. Joss knows that she went too far. She regrets it every single day. Of course she never came to you about the baby because she was sure you’d think it was another trap. Bryce and I tried to change her mind. Your woman came to me when she left because she didn’t have anyone else.”

  “Grey knows he fucked up. He’s got some baggage from his ex-wife. He freaked out a little over the shop thing. I fucked up, too. We’ve been trying to find her ever since that day. We took a cab home and she was already in the wind.”

  He poured us yet another shot of Crown and held it up in toast, “To grand gestures.” We clinked glasses and swallowed. “We need an accomplice to pull this off.” He pulled out his
cell phone and made a call. “Hey baby. You’ll never guess who I’m drinking with….Nope...Nope...Ok, I’ll tell you..Mick! Nah, I’m never wrong….well ok, that one time...It’s about our broken hearted little mama…..We’ll need your help with this one. Of course….I promise you that I’ll fucking kill them if they break her heart again. I swear.. Definitely painful. Ok. See you tonight. I’ll bring Thai. I love you, too”. He set the phone back down on the desk.

  “Do I have to call him step-daddy?” “Fuck you, Mick.” He poured another shot.

  About six hours later I called Grey. Daddy and I had some father/son bonding time over a bottle of Crown. I was way too drunk to drive home.

  When Grey got there we spent another hour formulating a plan to win our girl back, once and for all.

  Chapter 35--Joss

  Bryce dropped me off at the women’s center. He was supposed to stay with me, since there were no prospects available for babysitting duty. His mom called him with a flat tire and he had to race off to rescue her. I can’t imagine Bryce knowing how to change a tire, or being will to do it in his perfectly pressed Ralph Lauren slacks, and the baby blue shirt/plaid bowtie combo he was rocking today. He was insistent that he come with me for the all important, gender reveal ultrasound, which was sweet of him, though.

  Ambush was on his way to stand in for him. Hard to believe we had become as close as we have over last few months. I preferred to call him Damien than Ambush, like Bryce did. Whoever the fuck he was, he needed to get his ass here pronto! I drank a full bottle of water in anticipation of this test and had to pee fiercely. I paced around the lobby, not trusting my bladder to hold if I sat down.