Triad: A Three Way Love Story Page 13
Joss squeezed my hands, “how would you respond to that?” “I’d be pissed off. Maybe hurt. Definitely hurt.” “What would you say to him?” “I’d say “fuck you old man. You weren’t there when I needed you and I still came out on top. I still made top ten ballplayers in the state without a dad to coach me. I protected my country in shitholes and sandboxes around the fucking globe. I’ve done it without you.” Joss smiled at me. “Perfect. You’ve got the words now. You’re ready to deal with the worst. Now just imagine the best case scenario. Are you ready for that?”
Maybe she was right. The salad and pizza came and she served up slices, while we harassed Grey about the fucking pineapple. I just can’t let go of the worst case scenario. “What if he thinks I’m a loser because I haven’t done my with my life since the military? I don’t have money. Or a college degree, like you, or a big time job…” The words that had been on my mind finally slipped out of my mouth. Grey dropped his slice and pineapple fell off the side of his plate, “That’s bullshit and you know it.” he snarled, “We’ve got a good business going, hell, half of Chaos bring their bikes to us. You’re a great mechanic and that’s the God’s honest truth. You’re a trained combat medic and a first class sniper. You’ve done a ton of good in a ton of bad places. If he doesn’t see that he doesn’t deserve to be your dad anyway.”
“Best case now, Mick”, Joss reminded me gently, while picking black olives out of the antipasto, “Let’s hear it.”
“I guess we’d shake hands and maybe hug it out. We’d put the past in the past where it belongs and move ahead.” They both nodded. He could have stayed anonymous forever. He could have just ignored me. What if Joss was right? Best case scenario. Onward and upward.
Chapter 25--Joss
Today was the day. Today I was going to show my guys just how much I truly believe in them. To show them that I am “all in”. I’m scared shitless. I’ve been working on the garage secretly for nearly two months. It’s a long way from being finished but at least it no longer has trees growing in the retail space.
I got up super early and showered and twisted my hair into the perfect chignon. Now I am dressed and ready in my “successful business woman power suit”, a souvenir of my former life, in charcoal gray, complete with peach silk chemise, sheer black stockings and a killer pair of steel grey platform pumps. I even broke out the string of pearls that say “trust me, I’m serious”. Despite the nervous shake in my hands, I am holding two blackout eye masks. I’m as ready as I’ll ever be when they both come down the stairs together.
“It’s about time, gentlemen.” They both halt when they see me standing there in my working girl ensemble in front of the door. “Gentlemen? You can’t be talking about us. Looking hot baby girl”, Mick grabs me in his arms and lifts me off the floor. I lose a shoe and my skirt rides up past the lace trim on my panties, but I laugh anyway. “Thanks babe”, he puts me down and Grey kisses me then steps back and eye fucks me top to bottom. Business first, I remind myself. I straighten my jacket and pull my skirt back down where it belongs. Mick picked up my shoe and slipped it back on my foot like I was Cinderella. “Here”. I hand them each a mask. “Kinky babe”, Mick is entirely too excited. “Not kinky. I have a surprise for you. You can put these on once we’re in the truck.”
Both look at each other curiously, but, surprisingly, they comply with no further argument. The butterflies in my stomach have turned into giant flapping pterodactyls.
“Where are we going?” “If I told you it would pretty much ruin the surprise, wouldn’t it now?” “Can we guess?” “Nope”. It wasn’t far to the shop location. The old service station was just off the highway, and down the road from a few bars that catered to bikers. Most weekends there were hundreds of bikes around, cruising and showing off. I knew the moment I saw it that it was the perfect location.
The ancient service station had an art deco feel, which I loved. It had cost me everything I had to bring it to code and restore the sparkle. I had cleaned up the old pumps from the back and had them installed in their rightful place out front. I loved the rusty look and hadn’t had them restored completely, just scrubbed the grime and the surface rust off. The crumbling canopy was repaired and freshly painted. It was a true labor of love.
We pulled up out front and I took a few moments to admire the last project completed as I parked the pick up. The dingy grey building was now a sparkly white and a custom sign painted across the marquis “TRIAD Motorcycle Repair and Customization”.
I took a few deep breaths and tried to calm my thundering heart. I helped them out of the truck and took them by the hands, leading them to the perfect vantage point on the sidewalk, as to take in the whole building. “I’ve been working on a side project, in addition to your books and the MC businesses. I want you to know that I really believe in you both and admire your talents. Take off your masks”.
I held my breath.
“What the fuck is this?” I couldn’t tell if Grey was shocked or angry. “This is your garage. Your repair shop. Two bays so you each have your own space to work in. Plenty of storage for inventory, and some retail space to sell parts or shirts or tires or, well, whatever you want to sell. It’s all set up and ready to go. Permits, licenses, insurance, tax ids, all done.”
“You did all this for us baby girl? On your own?”, Mick was clearly stunned but touched by my gift. “Wait until you see the inside.” I pressed the remote in my hand and the bay doors slid smoothly open. The cement floors had been power washed and glazed so they looked like molten silver. The interior walls were clean white with black trim. Two red tool boxes stood empty, one on each side, ready to be filled and utilized.
Mick’s excitement was contagious. “Holy shit, Grey, check out the lift”. He pushed the buttons on the hanging cord and made it the hydraulics go up and down. “That is so cool.” I could feel Grey’s tension, but I couldn’t understand it. He didn’t seem to share the joy that Mick and I were sharing. “Come see the store”, I dragged them both in and could feel Grey literally and figuratively dragging his heels.
“STOP!” I froze in my tracks. He pulled his hand away from me, “Stop this nonsense. Joss, what the hell were you thinking?” I felt like I had been slapped in the face. His face was contorted with pure rage and I was baffled by it. “You don’t just go and force someone into a business without so much as consulting them?” Mick chimed in, “don’t be an ass, man. She did all of this for us.”
“She didn’t do this for us asshole! It’s a fucking scheme! You’re a fucking moron! She did all of this to trap us into some kind of relationship.” I backed up farther, gripping the door knob for strength. “No. No. That’s not it, that was never it”. Tears built up in my eyes. How had something so wonderful gone so far awry?
Grey turned away from me. I tried to get in front of him, to make him face me, to make him look me in the eye and believe me. He turned away again, unwilling to even be touched. “Grey, please listen to me. It wasn’t like that. You told me about your dream, and I wanted to do something special for you because you’ve done so much for me. I wanted to make it happen for you. That’s all.” He still wouldn’t look at me. He shook his head and turned away. “Grey, listen to her. Stop being a dick.”, Mick grabbed his shoulder. Grey jerked away from him too.
I couldn’t take it anymore. I tried to run but my damned heel broke and I fell on my face. I dumped the other shoe, picked myself up, dusted myself off and made a run for the truck. Mick was right behind me yelling, “Quit being so dramatic and get back here!” I managed to get the truck doors locked and the engine started before he got to me, and I headed home, I mean, I headed back to their house. I had to be gone before they got there. I couldn’t face Grey again.
I dug my phone out of my purse and called the only number I could think of, “I need help” I started sobbing. Somehow I choked out my story, and forty five minutes later a while van pulled up and two prospects loaded my bags.
Chapter 26--Mick
She was gone in a cloud of dust. In my truck.
I haven’t felt this much anger in years. Fucking Grey. This is on him. I’m gonna fucking kill him.
My feet carry me back inside the garage that Joss clearly put her heart into creating for us. Just for us. No one had ever done anything for me before. Nothing like this.
Grey was leaning against the tool box, his face in his hands. “YOU STUPID SON OF A BITCH!” I screamed, grabbing his arm and spinning him around to face me. I pulled my fist back and caught him in the jaw with a powerful uppercut that sent him sprawling across the shiny floor on his ass. “I followed you across the river Styx and back a dozen times. I killed on your command. I was your best friend through the worst of times, but you know what you stupid fuckwad? DO YOU KNOW WHAT? That is the end. I’m done.” I was so full of rage I couldn’t even focus. “That was the coldest shit I have ever seen. Newsflash buddy, you have been in a relationship for the past two months! What the fuck do you think a relationship is? In our case, it’s three people who live together, and take care of each other.”
I kicked the red tool box and it went flying into the wall, taking a chunk out of the new white paint. Grey rubbed his chin but made no move to get up or come at me. He was still lying on the floor in the exact same position he landed. “This is what we always wanted and our smart, sexy, funny girlfriend just handed us our dream on a golden platter. You, you threw it back in her face. You broke her heart again. Just like that other asshole”.
Grey sat up and I got ready to defend myself. “I probably deserved that.” He shifted his jaw with his hand a few times. “Not broken”. “You definitely deserved that.”
I held out my hand to him, and after a slight hesitation he accepted it and I helped him stand. We both looked around the garage, taking in the details we missed. I was surprised to see our before and after pictures blown up and in matching frames. I had caught her one day with a pile of them. She told me she was dusting the garage. A few pictures of the two of us on our bikes were mixed in. One corner had a small fridge that was full of ice cold bottled water and our favorite brand of beer. On top of it sat a one cup coffee pot with mugs that had our names and the Triad logo like on the sign. She had really gone all out for us. I grabbed two beers out of the fridge.
“Let’s see what’s upstairs.” He followed me through a shelved parts area and up the stairs at the back of the service area through a door marked “OFFICE. EMPLOYEES ONLY”. I pushed it open and we both went inside. I popped the cap on my longneck and took a long swig. Grey held his up to his jaw, which was rapidly turning black and blue.
I saw down behind my designated desk in a black leather chair and he sat on top of his, looking around the room. For a long time neither one of us spoke. I said my piece. I think Grey was searching for the words. I realized that the picture i was staring at on my desk was my own bike. I got up and checked, and Grey had one of Lola, in a matching frame. Curiosity got the best of me and I went to Joss’s desk. She had two. The first one was Ogre lying on his back with his tongue hanging out the side of his mouth. The second framed photograph was a selfie of the three of us in bed, naked, sweaty and bodies entwined. We all looked happy and well fucked. I handed it to Grey. He stared at it.
“I’m such an idiot”, he finally said, setting the frame down on his desk, next to Lola. I didn’t argue, I just nodded. He finally popped his beer and downed the bottle without stopping. I sat in Joss’s desk chair, leaning back and putting my feet up and waited patiently.
He isn’t inclined to say anything more, which is clear to me, so I start the conversation. “I want to be with Joss. I’m all in. The last few months have been perfect. I’m in love with her. I know she’s in love with us. Both of us. I’m afraid that without you in the picture, it just won’t work. So the question remains, are you going to get your head out of your ass and let yourself be happy?” I paused, expecting an answer that didn’t come. “Fucking Rosey happened twenty years ago, man. That little baby is all grown up and maybe has a kid of her own. Rosey probably moved on and married some other poor sucker, but you, man, you just keep punishing yourself for being young and stupid.”
He picked up the picture again. “You’re right. I’ve been fighting how I feel about Joss for weeks, all because I’m fucking terrified of getting fucked over again. I don’t even know if I ever loved Rosey all those years ago. I don’t remember ever feeling for her what I feel about our girl.”
Finally! Thank you Jesus, Mary and Joseph! The man admitted he is, in fact, human! I raise my folded hands in mock prayer.
“Let’s go home. I need to fix this.” “We’re going to have to call an Uber. I’m not calling Belle for a ride. I’ll never hear the end of it.” Forty-seven dollars and ninety minutes later we’re home.
The door is locked. The lights are out. The house is silent. No Ogre, and most of all, no Joss. I don’t need to check the closet, but I do. I take two steps at a time and rip open the door. Empty.
Grey is sitting in the kitchen table when I come back downstairs. He doesn’t say a word, just hands me a handwritten page torn out of our ledger.
Dear Grey and Mick--
I can’t begin to tell you how sorry I am right now. I swear to both of you that I never considered the garage as a way to trap you into something you don’t want. I will forever be indebted to both of you for picking me up, hosing the mud off of me and, most of all, making me live again. Not even “again”. Just making me live.
I love you both with all my heart. There is no point in denying it. I wish you both the very best. I pray you’ll find whatever it is you’re looking for. You won’t see me again. I promise.
All my heart,
Chapter 27--Joss
I sat across from Ambush with Ogre’s head in my lap. I’d downed two shots of Crown but there just wasn’t enough liquor to stop the ache in my soul. Damien sat across from me, not speaking and not passing judgement.
The second shot loosened up the faucet on my bruised and battered heart and the tears flowed freely. Damien handed me tissues and in between sobs I told him how my perfect surprise had turned into an enormous cluster fuck. I was an ugly crier. The last time I cried like this was the night David kicked me out and fired me. The memory made me cry harder, my shoulders heaved and my chest ached.
Damien picked up his cell phone and made a call. “Hey babe. Get the guest room ready. I’m bringing you a roommate…..Joss needs a place to stay...yes, the accountant lady. Oh, and she has a cute little dog.” He winked at me. “I know you’re a cat person, but you’ll like this one. I promise…..Yes, I’ll bring dinner….Love you too.”
“Joss babygirl, you look like hell. Go clean yourself up. I’m taking you to meet Bryce.” Sniffling, “Who is Bryce?” “My boyfriend.” Not the response I was expecting, but ok.
“Now, here’s the game plan. You’re going to do what I told you to do a few weeks back. You are going to work on you. You’re going to start making some money again and getting your own personal shit together. You’re going to make decisions based on what you want and what you need, not what you think some man wants from you. My son and his moron roommate are going to realize they fucked up and they’re going to come hunting for you, but you are not going to worry about them. You are going to be a grown ass woman and take care of yourself. So now get cleaned up and I’ll order some Thai. It’s Bryce’s favorite and he’s seriously going to lose his fucking mind over that beast of yours.”
I washed my face and blew my nose. Not much to do about the bright red clown nose and bloodshot eyes right now, but at least I am not covered with mud this time. I did this to myself. Damien is surprisingly insightful for a closeted gay biker.
I didn’t give myself a chance to heal before I jumped into things with the guys head first. I suppose a “thank you” surprise to most people is a cake or a nice greeting card, but to me it’s a three quarters of a million dollar investment into a business that
no one wants. God I’m an idiot.
Chapter 28--Grey
A month has passed. Mick and I work side by side, seven days a week, without ever really speaking to one another. He makes his own dinner now. I’ve been living on protein shakes. I know he fucking hates me. Hell, I hate me. I hate me almost as much as I still love her.
I’ll spend another Saturday looking at Joss-like places--yoga studios, pedicure joints, book stores, coffee cafes and shopping venues all over town. I pick a neighborhood and systematically search it street by street. Last week I called every Veterinarian in a twenty mile radius and fed them a bullshit story that I had met a lady with a male Anatolian Shepherd at the dog park, and we had talked about breeding our very rare pets. I’d lost her number and did they have any Anatolians as patients? It took me almost five and half hours. Still no luck.
I’m a mess. A hot fucking mess.
Chapter 29--Joss
It’s been a month since I left and my heart is still in a million pieces.
From the first day I moved in Bryce has become my bestie. He is a very handsome 25 year old Business Management student at the local university. He is always impeccably dressed, in crisply pressed chinos with a perfect crease down the front. He favors classic Ralph Lauren styles and actually owns skinny jeans and driving moccasins. He gets his hair trimmed and styled every three weeks whether it needs it or not, including perfect caramel highlights. He and Damien have been together two years. I’ve gotten used to hearing him scream “fuck me harder daddy” through the obviously too thin walls of our duplex.