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Triad: A Three Way Love Story Page 11

  I heard the truck coming down the road before I saw it. Ogre, who has been sleeping away the afternoon in a sunny corner of the garage, goes nuts, running around in circles. He knows his mommy is home. Joss barrels into the driveway, and throws the truck into park right in front of the garage bay door. She hopped out, throwing her purse over her shoulder and carrying the three white boxes I was waiting for.

  Something seemed off. The smile on her face didn’t meet her eyes. I dropped the grips and stood up, wiping my greasy, rusty fingers off on my jeans.

  Grey met her first, taking the boxes from her hands and kissing her “hello”. She fell into him and held on. She smiled weakly at me from his embrace, and moved into my arms for a hug and a kiss. “What’s wrong baby girl?”

  I felt the hesitation in her words and actions. Her eyes darted away from mine and she chewed her bottom lip. “I had a bit of an adventure today. I need to tell you about it”. Sounds ominous. Grey took her hand and frowns a bit, “come on, let’s sit down inside where it’s cooler”. Joss sat down at the head of the table and I pulled a bottle of water out of the fridge and handed it to her. Unscrewing the top and taking along sip, she seemed to be gathering her thoughts or putting off the conversation for as long as possible. Grey sat down on her right and I took the seat on her left. He and I made eye contact. His concern was evident by the deep creveses on his forehead.

  “Well, I was working on collecting from some of your deadbeat clients today.” Pulling a pile of cash out of her purse, she laid a pile of wadded and crumpled bills on the table. “Shit baby, that must be five grand”. “More like nine, plus some interest. The first few stops went fine, then I noticed that there were four repairs that all had the same address--Chico’s Bar.” She took a deep breath and held it, expecting our response would not be a positive one.

  “Oh fuck baby, tell me you didn’t have a run in with Chaos! Tell me you didn’t go there by yourself?” I know I raised my voice. Hell, I was yelling, I’ll admit it. I’ve known about those guys my whole life. They are true one-percenters, the guys that make their own laws, and live by their own code and aren’t afraid to spill blood. She hesitated to answer my questions, but finally turned her body towards mine, “I can’t tell you that because I did.”

  Grey chimed in, his anger evident to me, but his voice calmer for her, “Are you ok? Did they hurt you?” She shook her head vehemently, “I’m ok. No one hurt me.” We both tried to get our anger and fear in check, because it was definitely making it more difficult for us to tell us what happened. I’m sure, Grey was already planning painful deaths for whoever scared her this much.

  She took another drink, obviously stalling for more time. “Just tell us what happened baby. We’re not mad at you.” “I had no idea what went on in that place. It wasn’t going too well. Some freak name Ruger was smelling me. He was fucking sniffing my hair! I was scared and creeped out, and they wouldn’t let me leave.”

  Grey was furious, he slammed his fist down on the table hard enough to tip over her bottle of water and jumped up, pushing the chair back into the cupboard. “Ruger is a sick mother fucker! What did they do to you, tell us what happened!”

  “Wait, calm down and listen please.”, she held his forearm in her hands and pulled him back down to the table. He allowed it. We both tried to compose ourselves and at least pretended to be calm for her sake, while silently planning executions in our minds.

  “Ambush came to my rescue.” I let that statement sink in. I knew exactly who he was. He was a cold blooded killer who had held the reigns of the MC for over fifteen years. They say that the last time someone challenged him for the gavel, they came at him with a knife and gave him that big scar on his face. He fought back like a beast and dropped his challengers severed head on the pool table by the time he was done. No one else dared go against him since then. It may be MC legend. It may be fact. No one really knows but Chaos.

  “Ambush called them off of me. He made them pay what they owe--Taco, Lefty, Ruger and that other guy are all paid up.” They both looked puzzled. Ambush was known for many things but being magnanimous was not one of them.

  “You know, I kept looking at him, at Ambush. He looked so familiar to me, but I couldn’t figure out where I recognized him from. They dragged me upstairs into his office.” I could tell that she really didn’t want to tell us what happened next. “He was sitting there, behind his desk, and he smiled at me, and I finally realized where I had seen that face before.” She pulled a picture of her bag and flipped it over, and pushed it across the table.

  Belle? Young, pregnant Belle. My mother, young and pregnant and sitting on the lap of a man. She is a beautiful woman but hard living has left it’s mark on her. In this picture she has a Rolling Stones concert jersey stretched across her belly. My eyes shift to the man and realization hits me like a bolt of thunder. Holy fuck. My dad? Grey leans over and looks too. He curses under his breath. We both look towards Joss for clarification.

  “That’s Belle and Ambush. Your father, Mick. His real name is Damien Chacon.”

  I held the photo between my fingers and stared at the missing piece of my personal history. There was no denying it. DNA was not necessary. I was his spitting image. “I met him once. I was maybe nine years old and playing Little League baseball. I left my bat in the car and had to run back to get it. He was in the parking lot on that gorgeous vintage Harley. Same one he rides today. I said “nice bike mister”. He said thanks and shook my hand like a grown up. Then he told me that if I turned my back foot towards right field more, and waited a half second longer to swing, I’d be more successful in turning my hits to right field. I hit a standing triple that day. Sending a big hit to right field was my signature after that.” She pulled a pile of photos out of her bag and shuffled through them, handing me one of me in my Little Dodgers uniform. I had the bat held way to high behind my ear and I was missing my front tooth. Son of a bitch.

  One by one, she laid them out in front of me. Pieces of my life took me back to places and emotions I’d long buried. This little jaunt down memory lane was reminding of how many times I mourned the absence of him in my life. How many times I imagined him into events. I fought the tears behind my eyes, not wanting to embarass myself in front of Joss and Grey. He was there my entire life and I never knew it. “He wants you to know that he didn’t want this. He wanted to be your father.” Son of a bitch. He wasn’t though. Why the fuck did Belle do this? Why would she keep me from him? I stopped thinking and grabbed my keys from the hook on the wall. “Mick, wait!”, she called. “Let him go, babe. He needs time to think”. Grey pulled her back. Yeah. I need time to think.

  Time to think means a ride in the dark. The wind in my face and nothing but the sound of the road.

  I ride the highway and the backroads. I stop for coffee at a diner in the middle of nowhere and ride some more. By the time I get home the sun is about to rise. It still doesn’t make a lick of sense to me. I still don’t have any answers.

  Fucking Ogre growls and snarls at me until he realises I’m his fetch buddy, then his massive tail thumps on the hardwood floors. Together we sneak upstairs quietly. I stand in the doorway and watch Joss and Grey sleep for a few minutes. Her sleepy eyes open and she holds her hand out to me. I get naked and climb in next to her to finally sleep.

  Chapter22-- Grey

  Jocelynn and I manage to get showered and dressed without waking our sleeping third. We leave Mick snoring in my big bed. “I’ll take Ogre out for a walk if you start coffee”. She wraps her arms around me and lays her ear against my heart, “I’ll not only make coffee, but I’ll make some biscuits and gravy too.” I hug her to me, and I consider a little morning kitchen action, but Ogre heard his name and is banging his gigantic head against the door.

  Homemade biscuits are in the the oven and my mug is full by the time the dog and I get back from a quick run through the hillside. His bowl is overflowing with kibble and he is more than happy to scarf it down, his big curly tail th
umping against the wall while he crunches and drools.

  “Baby, bring me your list of accounts. We’re going to have a talk about who you shouldn’t go visit. Maybe you can send a letter or something.” “I probably should have considered that before I ran off half cocked, huh? I guess I have a tendency to get a little over zealous once I formulate a plan”. She handed me the list. I pulled her into my lap and we went through it name by name. “I love your enthusiasm babe, and we both appreciate what you’ve done for us”.

  She hopped up to stir the sausage, and added a pinch of sage, a handful of salt and a double handful of black pepper, along with a few tablespoons of flour to soak up the grease. “Have you and Mick ever considered opening a garage to work out of? And maybe hiring someone to help out when you get overbooked or with the basic stuff.” “Of course we’ve talked about it, but it takes a ton of money to get started, along with real estate agents, accountants, licenses, permits, bankers. I guess neither one of us believe we could handle it all. Shit, you’ve seen Mick’s filing and accounting skills.”

  She stirred and nodded. “I bet that makes us sound stupid to you.” Dropping the spoon, she turned to me, “Are you kidding me? I know how to do math and shit, but you guys know everything there is to know about every working part in every bike on the road. You have your expertise. I have mine. You wouldn’t expect me to know how to rebuild a carburetor, would you?” “Touche baby.”

  Owning the garage was a pipe dream. We’d talked about it a million times, and even went to the bank once, but we didn’t have a business plan to present to them. They wouldn’t even consider us.

  “Should I wake him up for breakfast?” “Let him sleep in another hour. I’d leave him all day, but we have three jobs to finish today and I can’t get it done by myself.” She set a heaping plate of hot biscuits and creamy sausage gravy in front of me and served herself a smaller portion.

  “Do you think he went to see Ambush?” I took a bite. Just peppery enough. Perfect. “I doubt it. I think he rode all nice trying to process things. He may have wanted a dad his whole life, but there are still too many questions.” She was picking at her breakfast, and frowning, “I feel like he was really sincere about wanting to be part of his life. Of course there is Mama Belle to consider. She’s probably going to kick my ass when she finds out it was me that told him the truth.” “Can’t hurt to keep your distance, and maybe take Ogre along when you see her.”

  “I’m going to work on Sammy’s project today, and put down the collections for now. I have a ton of work to do for the club. Let me know if you need me to run for parts or anything.” It was sweet of her to offer. I was starting to rethink the kitchen quickie, or maybe I’d bend her over Lola again.

  When she got up to put my plate in the sink i grabbed the belt loops and pulled her back on my lap. “How about you let the dishes sit there for awhile and you come out the garage with me.” I felt her shiver a little, “dishes? What dishes?” Jumping up, she surprised me by making a run for it. “Gotta catch me first”. She took off out the back door, and tossed her night shirt at me as she ran away. Game on girl.

  Even though she had a head start, it only took me about fifty yards to catch up. She was almost to the stream on the back end of my property. I have to give her credit for speed. I didn’t want to hurt her, so when I tackled her I flipped myself over her, taking the brunt of the fall into the soft, mossy creek bed.

  She was breathing heavy but it wasn’t from the run, it was from the exhilaration of being chased. “Gotcha. What’s my prize.” Biting her bottom lip, I could almost hear the wheels spinning in that pretty little head. She reached for me belt and leaned back, letting her take control. “I think you’re get your dick sucked”. “Have at it”. Relinquishing control was not something I normally enjoyed, but right here, right now, I was willing to let her do whatever she wanted.

  She kneels over me, running her hands over my arms and shoulders and down my chest and belly, stopping at the button to my jeans. I try to close my eyes and just feel, but I can’t stop watching her face, the sun shining down on her hair, as she undresses me. I tilt my hips just a little, giving her unspoken permission to pull off my pants and underwear. Pushing them down below my knees, she positions herself over my legs.

  Joss sticks out her tongue, and she stares into my eyes while she flicks it just over the slit, tasting the cum that is already accumulating there. She kisses it and my cock twitches under her lips. Her hand fists the base, forcing it to stand up and out, and she literally swallows it whole. I can feel the vibration of her moan in where the head of my dick hits the back of her throat.

  Slowly, ever so slowly, she lifts her head, exposing my wet cock to the summer breeze. Never letting go of the head, she rubs her tongue against the underside of the head, and languidly beings her journey back down. Taking her time is sweet torture. I want to grab her by the ears and force her to speed up, but I love that she is taking control, and I surrender completely.

  When she adds her other hand to the mix, stroking my balls and the super sensitive flesh between them and my ass, I can barely maintain control. “Oh God, baby, faster. Please faster”. She stops at the top, the purple tinged head between her lips and smiles at me. And then she winks.

  Licking my cock like an ice cream cone on a hot summer day, she gives every rock hard inch of it some attention, all the while stroking my sack and taint. When she dives back down on it, I get my wish for faster. Her head moves just a couple of degrees on every downstroke, varying the position of her tongue. She pumps up and down on me, and I thrust upward, fucking her mouth. Giving me another deep moan, the vibration in her throat is all I need to go over the edge. I pump her beautiful mouth full of my thick cum. The whole time i’m releasing my seed, she keeps moaning, sucking and fucking me with her lips. She swallows everything I have to give her, and smiles up at me again, the tip of my softening cock still between her lips.

  “Wow. Baby. Just wow. No words right now”. She leaned over and kissed my forehead. “Go get some work done cowboy. Can’t lie around with your dick out all day long”. She left me lying in the moss with a limp cock and a big smile.

  Chapter 22--Joss

  I have a new mission. I’m going to make the boys dream garage a reality, but first I have to get my ducks in a row.

  An hour has passed and I slip upstairs to wake up sleeping beauty. Mick is so peaceful I almost hate to do it, but I know Grey needs him in the shop. Sitting down next to him, I stroke his back. His eyes immediately flutter open and he pulls me down into the bed. “Time to shake n bake, handsome.”

  “I couldn’t do it.” “Couldn’t do what?” “I rode for awhile, and I found myself near Chico’s. I parked across the street but i couldn’t make myself go in. I don’t know what to say to him.” I cuddle him closer, his head is between my tatas, gently nibbling at them. “I guess you’ll find the words when you’re ready. I have to tell you though, I really feel like he’s being honest. He wants to be in your life and it’s been tough on him, watching from the shadows.” I held him close a little while longer. “You have three bikes in the garage that need your expertise.” “I know baby girl, come on and shower with me.”

  “Mmmmm, definitely.” I would never be able to shower again without remembering that hot, steamy session with Mick. He hopped over me to get out of bed. I didn’t have the opportunity to admire the view before I found myself in his arms, legs wrapped around his middle.

  He carried me into the bathroom and slammed me up against the white subway tile wall, holding me there with his muscle bound torso and one hand planted very firmly on my ass. The other hand managed to turn on the hot water and start the steam. Mick was extremely talented at multitasking and his lips never left mine the entire time.

  I was fully clothed and he was butt ass naked. It didn’t stop him from pulling us both inside the glass stall and under the powerful spray of the steam shower. His lips were, as always, amazing. Mick kissed like he did everything in his
life, with passion and soul. Possibly, dare I say it, was even feeling just a tiny bit of love?

  He slipped my drenched camisole over my head and dropped it to the floor. He quickly clamped his lips around my pebbled nipple, and suckled it, taking in the streams of hot water pouring off of my face. My hands were entwined in his wet hair, holding him close and pulling him in even closer. I could feel his hardness pressed against me, my soaked shorts and panties standing directly in the way of everything I wanted the most. Mick wasn’t one to give into me that easily though.

  I rubbed myself against him, the seam pressing into me. His oral assault on my super sensitive nipples was unrelenting. He sucked and flicked and nipped at one while the other was gently twisted and rubbed between his fingers and blasted with the hot spray adding extra sensation. Mick switched back and forth between them. I continued to rub myself against him. I reached down to stroke his cock but he grabbed my wrist. I reached out with my other hand to cup his balls, and he grabbed that hand as well. He pinned both of my wrists against the steamy glass shower doors, and continued to tease my breasts with his mouth.

  His muscular thigh was pressed between my thighs and I continued to hump him. I was getting desperate for release. I ground my pussy against him and he pushed back, creating a delicious pressure on my clit. His tongue traced a path up to my earlobe. The same tantalizing torture that he used on my tits was now being used on my neck, shoulders and ears. I moaned. He knew how much I loved to be nibbled in those places. Even though the water was hot and the air was steamy I broke out in goose bumps and felt shivers up and down my spine.

  “Baby, please” I begged, “please”. He went back to leisurely nibbling on my nipples. I was literally humping his leg like a dog in heat. I wanted to touch his skin. I needed to feel his cock inside of me. “Mick, please!” He looked up at me, my left nipple firmly between is teeth and smiled, then nipped me harder, making me squeal. I could almost feel my heartbeat in my clit by now. It was throbbing incessantly. Mick pushed his leg through mine even further and I felt that rock hard cock pressing into my thigh. He let go of my left wrist, and rubbed my cunt through my drenched shorts, his hand wedged between his own thigh and the denim.